Incorporated as a 501(c)3 in 2005, the five-member Golden Gate Village Resident Council (GGVRC) is the elected representative for all of Golden Gate Village.
In 2014 the Resident Council first began advocating at monthly meetings of the Marin Housing Commission for its revitalization vision for Golden Gate Village.
The Council’s vision included five key elements:
(1) Deep green renovation of existing units.
(2) No new building.
(3) Preservation of GGV’s historic legacy.
(4) Investment in job training for local residents.
(5) A path to resident equity.
After being ignored by the Housing Commission for seven years, in 2021 the Council and its pro bono strategy team and outside consulting firms developed the original 2014 vision into a detailed, 175-page plan. This was the most comprehensive plan ever created for GGV (and far beyond the scope of anything the outside developer previously solicited by the Marin Housing Authority had ever provided).
GGVRC President, Royce McLemore, presented the Resident Plan to the Commission in January, 2022. Two months later, on March 22, 2022, the Housing Commission finally voted to make the Resident Plan the preferred solution for Golden Gate Village.
Because of the persistence of the Golden Gate Village Resident Council, GGV is now in a position to become the model for deep green renovation of public housing projects throughout the country.

photos © Amy Osborne
"Every single individual has the power to resist racial policy, racial policymakers... it's absolutely critical for us to recognize that people have the power to resist."
- Ibram X, Kendi, author