Attend Marin Housing Commission meetings via Zoom.
When: Generally, the third Tuesday of every month. Scheduled to start at 1:30p. (Note: if the Supervisors' morning board meeting runs long, they will post an updated start time in the Zoom room. Check back frequently as this time may change.)
Where: Meeting id: 947 4251 8384; password: 352533
What: Hear the Marin Housing Authority’s latest plans for Golden Gate Village. Comment during public open time. This is your opportunity to tell elected officials that you support the Resident Plan for deep green renovation and a path to home ownership at Golden Gate Village for residents. (If GGV is on the agenda, wait to comment until it’s discussed; if GGV is not on the agenda, make your comments during general open time at the meeting. Remarks are frequently limited by the Commission to 1-2 minutes.)
Email or call your local Marin County Supervisor to register your support for the Resident Plan.
Find contact information for your supervisor here.
Contribute to Save Golden Gate Village on our GoFundMe page. If you prefer to donate by check, please make payable to GGVRC Development Fund, 79 Cole Drive #4, Sausalito, CA 94965, att'n: Royce McLemore. Both online and mailed donations are tax-deductible to the full extent provided by law.
Attend Golden Gate Village Resident Council meetings via Zoom.
When: Second and fourth Monday of every month at 6p.
Where: Meeting id: 480 952 3709. (No password required.)
What: Learn more about immediate issues and concerns of residents. When they attend, hear how MHA presents/defends their position to residents.
"We are part of a movement in our country and in Marin that is understanding from Black Lives Matter that we all need to pay attention to the ways that we have too often looked away from injustice, even when it is nearby."
- Helen Anderson,
The Redwoods Seniors for Peace
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© Amy Osborne