San Rafael, CA – At their January 25 meeting, The Marin Housing Authority Board of Commissioners voted to establish a working group in partnership with the Golden Gate Village Resident Council to further develop the Council’s proposed Revitalization Plan. The vote represents a major step forward in the group’s efforts to persuade the Authority to make its Plan the preferred plan for revitalization of the aging historic housing complex.
Hundreds of supporters participated in the five-hour hearing, speaking out in favor of the comprehensive Plan which includes renovation of existing units; preservation of historic buildings; no permanent tenant displacement;
sustainable housing; and resident equity and job training opportunities.
“The Resident Council developed this plan with a team of experts and we are glad to see the Commission support moving it forward”, said Royce McLemore, President of the Golden Gate Village Resident Council. “We hope the Marin Housing Authority will demonstrate its verbal commitment at Tuesday’s meeting to work with us and designate the Resident Plan as the County’s preferred revitalization plan for our community.”
In May 2021, U.S. Department Housing and Urban Development required the Housing Authority to develop a Corrective Action Plan to address long standing issues at Golden Gate Village. During Tuesday’s meeting the Commission also made the commitment to address some immediate issues such as the severe pest infestations at Golden Gate Village.
The Revitalization Plan, which can be viewed here lays out a blueprint for addressing these concerns with lower costs and a shorter timeframe than alternative plans previously offered by for-profit, out-of-state developers.
About Golden Gate Village Resident Council
Incorporated as a 501(c)3 in 2005, the five-member Golden Gate Village Resident Council (GGVRC) is the elected representative for all of Golden Gate Village. During the ensuing years, the GGVRC has fought long and hard with the Marin Housing Authority, the Marin Housing Commission, and the Marin Board of Supervisors to share the residents’ renovation plan. Despite winning a lawsuit in 2014 that reaffirmed the Council’s legal status and authority, the GGVRC’s fight to be heard has continued to this day.
Evette Davis
(415( 385-4836
Gabriela Jimenez
(909( 489-4488